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(1 - 20 of 78)
Story of the hunters and the stars
Names of Puget Sound area tribes
Going over descriptions of artifacts: model war canoe, with discussion of slave raids
Going over descriptions of artifacts: arrowhead/spearhead
Going over the Story of Si'maelh [2 of 3]
How to roast a duck
The stommish story
Going over snups lectures: relatives, marriage customs, and hospitality
Going over description of a meal
Lummi sentences involving embedding
The story of sqoloxst (English)
Going over snups lectures: social status
Going over description of preparing a meal
How to roast a duck
Lummi sentences
Going over descriptions of artifacts: rattle
Going over the Story of Si'maelh [1 of 3]
Going over descriptions of artifacts: arrowhead/spearhead
Going over description of preparing a meal
Going over snups lectures: how to greet people